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Gary Mansfield RIP

Gary Mansfield RIP
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Gary Mansfield. We are all shocked by the sudden and unexpected loss of our dear friend. He was truly a great chauffeur and ambassador for us, we worked with him for many years. We will all miss him deeply.

Gary Mansfield chauffeur
Gary in his office, the epitome of a great chauffeur.
Gary embodied everything our family business work towards. Honesty, integrity, kindness and professionalism. He mentored many chauffeurs during his 12 year relationship with us. His people skills were first class – everybody loved Gary. His love for touring grew stronger year on year. US clients would revel in Gary’s tailored UK tours. From the head doorman at the Connaught Hotel to the maître d’ at Rules Restaurant, Gary knew them all.

The Gary Mansfield Memorial Fund

If you know, worked with, or were one of Gary’s clients you may wish to visit the Gary Mansfield Memorial Fund page.
His sudden death has put his family in a financial predicament. Please, if you can, donate to his fund, he was a true gentlemen, and deserves nothing less. Thank you.


Gary was simply a great Chauffeur, liked by all clients and a joy to work with.
Nothing was too much for Gary, he loved meeting new people and what made him different was, he could have been driving any car because it was Gary the person, the man, the gentleman that clients loved…. from looking after elderly clients to clients loved ones, Gary was the man, even with his love of dogs he would help out the client.
On a personal note, Gary and I had a great working relationship, we would speak every day not just about work but what we were up to, what was happening in our lives, problems and such like, and he was a great support when my parents passed away.
And I always knew once I had allocated the job to Gary I had no worries whatsoever.
Will miss you Gary, take care my friend and see you when I see you xxxxxx – Andy Holme
More than anything else Gary was a peoples person with a huge heart. He gave everyone his time and attention and enriched everyones life that he came in contact with in some way. On a professional level, he helped iChauffeur in so many ways. He led the chauffeur mentoring program and helped so many chauffeurs over the years. We all learned so much from him. Going to miss you Gary, you are great in so many ways – Will Senior
That’s really sad news. I met him on quite a few occasions and was always there with a helpful word – a real gent – Paul Webb
Top man & a great chauffeur will be sorely missed by all – Anthony
I’ve known him since we were at youth club 50 plus years ago.I can’t believe cut. I’ll contact the family. Wish I’d know sooner but Covid has disrupted everything. So sad – David
I’m gutted, that is such terrible news, lovely guy and such a gent, my heart goes out to his family, so sad and even more heart rendering for them in the present situation. God bless, my prayers with you Gary – Paul
May his soul rest in peace. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones – Anthony
Such sad news. RIP Gary – Lee
Very sad news indeed, he was a real pro, sadly missed! – Bruce
I’m so sorry to hear this terrible news,my thoughts & prayers at this sad time are with Gary’s family – Nick
I am at lost for words. You’ll be sadly missed. He use to call me to say Hi and to see if I am getting better while I was in hospital. I couldn’t sleep all night. He was a true friend. RIP – OJ
I am very sorry to hear that. Gary was loved by everyone. A true professional and a wonderful person. Will be greatly missed! Rest in peace Gary – Tomas
To a great Chauffeur, gentleman and all round lovely bloke.. Will miss you Gary – Andy
Sorry to hear this sad news, a true professional and a great man, will be missed by many. My condolences to his family – Hosni
Sad sad news the Big fella was always willing to give useful advice and great company to be around. Maybe we can all have a memorial service for him when this is all over. Will truly be missed – Mark
I am very sorry to hear this sad news. RIP Gary – Jan
So sorry to hear such sad news! I’m lost for words… great person and a great chauffeur! My condolences to his family – Sergio
So sorry to hear. He was a great man – Bibi
I’m so so devastated to here Mr M has passed! He was a fantastic man and friend, and a man of many talents – James
Absolutely terrible news. A gentleman every time I met him. RIP – Dave
Will always miss you Gary – Rosen
That is devastating news…I wish Long Life to his family and all of us that knew and admired him – Hugh
Dearest Gary. A gentleman with a twinkle in his eye who taught me the ropes and my ‘go to’ from the office. Will miss you very much. I salute you and know you are in a better place, but always in our hearts – Sally
My dear colleagues at iChauffeur, I just opened the massage and learned of sad lost of our most beloved friend and colleague Gary. He was an awesome gentleman and will be greatly missed by ichauffeur family. Gary will be remembered in our thoughts. R I P – Abdul
That’s very sad. He was a true gent and one of the most exceptional chauffeurs in this country. My sincerest condolences – Martin
My condolences to his family and friends – Alan

Being new to the chauffeuring world when I first joined the company (being a controller rather than a driver) I was met with warmth, kindness, patience and a fatherly caring by Gary who was keen to develop my knowledge and understanding of the ‘chauffeuring world’ . Gary had more knowledge in his little finger than I had in my entire experience.. Not that he made me feel this way at all. Whatever my question, from a route query, to a recommendation for a good London watering hole for a client, Gary always made time to help me by sharing his experience with humour, charm and sincerity, so that I never felt silly for asking the question. He enjoyed teaching me about the ‘best practice’ of his profession, and sharing special nuggets of information to accommodate our clients wishes, such as knowing the best place to find vintage LPs, the secret cellars for vintage port tastings or how to gain entry to famous and exclusive ‘member only’ nightspots.
Last year, we had a very very sick young lady, hospital bound with a terminal illness, who was given permission to go out to ‘tick off some bucket list’ wishes whilst she was still strong enough to do so. To have the honour to be entrusted with this young lady’s wellbeing goes without saying, but the most important element would be assigning the right chauffeur to look after her. Truly, there was only one choice; it had to be Gary. It is not appropriate to expand further here, other than to say that they developed a true friendship, and she was able to leave hospital a couple more times over the ensuing months and of course it was Gary was who looked after her each time. They truly shared these precious adventures and Gary made every effort to add a little something extra-special to each outing. I know they maintained contact, long after the trips out were no longer possible.
Part of my role is to arrange bespoke tours and whenever I needed some inside information I would call Gary. Whether it be knowledge about the quaintest pub in the Cotswolds, the best ‘boutique’ hotel in the Lake District, or simply the most authentic Fish and Chips to be found in London, Gary always had the answer and always gave his time and knowledge willingly to assist me.
I will miss him greatly, as a charming, caring and truly gentle man and as a professional who had perfected his craft and was happy to share his vast well of knowledge with others, in pursuit of ensuring the ultimate client experience – Sally


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